
New Testament Situation Type: judicial examination

Cluster number: 12

Cluster size (number of situations): 3

Principal Component Averages
DimensionAverage Value
semiotic or material-0.35 material
interactive or descriptive1.89 interactive
unconventional or conventional1.11 unconventional
flexible or procedural-1.16 procedural
discussing or challenging-2.09 challenging
lecturing or discoursing-0.11 Neither
determining or influencing2.12 determining
All Principal Component Values
SituationReferenceDimensions of Variation (Based on Principal Components)
The Trial Before CaiaphasStarts at Matt 26:57-
The Trial Before the High PriestStarts at Mark 14:53-
The Trial Before PilateStarts at John 18:28-0.672.280.91-1.11-1.69-0.151.44
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