
New Testament Situation Type: presumptive interaction

Cluster number: 14

Cluster size (number of situations): 7

Principal Component Averages
DimensionAverage Value
semiotic or material1.77 semiotic
interactive or descriptive1.19 interactive
unconventional or conventional0.11 Neither
flexible or procedural1.76 flexible
discussing or challenging-0.31 challenging
lecturing or discoursing-1.01 discoursing
determining or influencing-1.27 influencing
All Principal Component Values
SituationReferenceDimensions of Variation (Based on Principal Components)
John the Baptist's Disciples Come to JesusStarts at Matt 11:11.130.27-0.592.581.63-1.88-1.52
The Dangers of RichesStarts at Matt 19:
The Question Concerning TributeStarts at Matt 22:151.752.040.871.29-0.74-0.39-1.85
The Question of the SadduceesStarts at Matt 22:232.891.350.11.69-1.23-0.66-0.91
New Wine into Old WineskinsStarts at Mark 2:183.081.870.231.66-0.27-0.46-1.32
The Annunciation to MaryStarts at Luke 1:261.42-0.55-1.052.630.25-1.94-0.47
Jesus Heals ManyStarts at Luke 4:380.842.231.191.18-0.78-0.24-1.95
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