
New Testament Situation Type: conflict

Cluster number: 23

Cluster size (number of situations): 13

Principal Component Averages
DimensionAverage Value
semiotic or material-1.22 material
interactive or descriptive1.89 interactive
unconventional or conventional1.05 unconventional
flexible or procedural-1.17 procedural
discussing or challenging-1.36 challenging
lecturing or discoursing1.42 lecturing
determining or influencing-0.59 influencing
All Principal Component Values
SituationReferenceDimensions of Variation (Based on Principal Components)
The Lord of Food on the SabbathStarts at Matt 12:1-0.572.570.41-0.23-2.090.450.91
The Lord of Healing on the SabbathStarts at Matt 12:90.62.640.2-0.35-1.530.31-1.11
Christ Blessing Little ChildrenStarts at Matt 19:13-1.991.12-0.01-2.02-0.782.19-1.23
Christ Visits the TempleStarts at Matt 21:12-0.381.891.95-1.68-0.212.430.49
Healing the Withered HandStarts at Mark 3:1-1.841.711.99-1.42-1.631.58-0.39
Jesus Blesses Little ChildrenStarts at Mark 10:13-1.83-0.522.89-1.52-2.362.460.57
The Capture of JesusStarts at Mark 14:43-0.422.84-1.24-1.46-0.121.83-2.14
Pilate before the CrowdStarts at Mark 15:6-1.493.171.24-0.78-2.160.3-0.86
Disputes Concerning Sabbath ObservanceStarts at Luke 6:1-0.423.260.67-0.91-0.841.45-2.18
Cleansing the TempleStarts at Luke 19:45-0.950.212.82-1.55-0.873.010.37
Jesus ArrestedStarts at Luke 22:47-1.561.9-0.64-1.57-0.971.62-0.61
The Guards Mistreat JesusStarts at Luke 22:63-2.371.662.27-1.35-
The Arrest of JesusStarts at John 18:1-2.612.161.06-0.42-1.78-0.2-1.71
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