
New Testament Situation Type: charge

Cluster number: 4

Cluster size (number of situations): 14

Principal Component Averages
DimensionAverage Value
semiotic or material-1.83 material
interactive or descriptive1.36 interactive
unconventional or conventional2.37 unconventional
flexible or procedural1.02 flexible
discussing or challenging-0.18 challenging
lecturing or discoursing-1.08 discoursing
determining or influencing-0.74 influencing
All Principal Component Values
SituationReferenceDimensions of Variation (Based on Principal Components)
The Call of the FourStarts at Matt 4:18-3.260.463.581.190.23-1.330.33
The Healing of the LeperStarts at Matt 8:1-2.881.562.831.32-0.91-2.15-1.78
The Call of Matthew and His FeastStarts at Matt 9:9-0.971.511.47-0.210.390.180.47
Further Miracles of That DayStarts at Matt 9:
The Syrophoenician WomanStarts at Matt 15:21-0.420.832.231.461.58-1.480.91
Healing of Two Blind MenStarts at Matt 20:29-
The Healing of a LeperStarts at Mark 1:40-3.250.782.161.34-0.62-1.04-1.23
The Calling of Levi and the Dinner at His HouseStarts at Mark 2:13-0.41.582.430.77-0.13-0.28-1.28
The Healing of a Demon-Possessed ManStarts at Mark 5:1-1.931.813.30.62-2.02-0.37-1.62
The Blind Man of BethsaidaStarts at Mark 8:22-
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes and the Call of the First DisciplesStarts at Luke 5:1-1.521.972.51.13-1.52-1.73-1.51
In the Country of the GadarenesStarts at Luke 8:26-1.032.362.110.87-1.9-0.76-1.81
The Blind Man of JerichoStarts at Luke 18:35-3.061.752.761.77-0.17-2.39-1.02
Zacchaeus the PublicanStarts at Luke 19:1-
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