
New Testament Situation Type: disputation

Cluster number: 8

Cluster size (number of situations): 25

Principal Component Averages
DimensionAverage Value
semiotic or material2.58 semiotic
interactive or descriptive2.03 interactive
unconventional or conventional-0.87 conventional
flexible or procedural0.11 Neither
discussing or challenging0.03 Neither
lecturing or discoursing0.47 lecturing
determining or influencing-0.16 influencing
All Principal Component Values
SituationReferenceDimensions of Variation (Based on Principal Components)
A Visit to NazarethStarts at Matt 13:533.311.61-1.940.770.91-1.39
A Lesson Concerning DefilementStarts at Matt 15:11.81.88-1.94-
On Marriage and DivorceStarts at Matt 19:12.351.79-1.7-0.19-0.80.33-1.45
The Authority of ChristStarts at Matt 21:233.181.8-1.170.1-1.320.47-0.73
The Silencing of the PhariseesStarts at Matt 22:342.82.32-0.45-0.31-0.640.120.8
The Lord of the SabbathStarts at Mark 2:231.543.050.11-0.62-0.890.92-1.09
Discourse on the Casting Out of DemonsStarts at Mark 3:203.412.310.25-0.070.640.241.24
Jesus at NazarethStarts at Mark 6:12.921.5-2.260.731.64-0.35-0.76
Concerning Ceremonial Washings, Christ's Denunciation of the PhariseesStarts at Mark 7:11.541.69-1.90.14-1.21-0.520.36
A Question concerning DivorceStarts at Mark 10:12.390.86-
The Question concerning Christ's AuthorityStarts at Mark 11:273.382.32-1.040.07-0.370.67-1.15
The Pharisees and Herodians Ask About Paying Taxes to CaesarStarts at Mark 12:131.532.25-0.51-0.19-1.230.57-1.48
The Sadducees Question Jesus About the ResurrectionStarts at Mark 12:182.111.71-0.60.23-2.64-0.690.59
The Greatest CommandmentStarts at Mark 12:282.921.72-1.040.380.280.11-1.31
Jesus before PilateStarts at Mark 15:12.521.88-2.180.480.390.56-0.6
Woes upon the Pharisees and LawyersStarts at Luke 11:372.172.26-0.33-
The Authority of JesusStarts at Luke 20:12.692.1-0.840.08-0.90.32-1.37
Christ before the Council of the EldersStarts at Luke 22:662.181.86-0.940.19-1.30.16-1.18
The Pharisees Question John the BaptistStarts at John 1:193.531.65-0.231.621.350.41-1.38
Jesus Is Sought at the FestivalStarts at John 7:102.842.61-0.57-0.511.531.563.09
Jesus at the FestivalStarts at John 7:142.612.2-0.23-0.8-0.140.371.21
Jesus the Light of the WorldStarts at John 8:122.732.71-0.61-0.31-0.31.09-1.45
Jesus the Good ShepherdStarts at John 9:352.981.67-0.050.680.9-0.35-0.21
Christ's Sermon at the Feast of DedicationStarts at John 10:222.042.5-0.41-0.3-0.830.73-1.67
Peter's Second and Third DenialsStarts at John 18:253.072.43-0.070.693.340.523.65
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